Thursday, January 21, 2010

Picture Overload!!!

Hey everyone!

Things here have been going right along. We are all moved into our house and have gotten a few of Michael's belongings from Korea. We are still waiting on our furniture, clothes, etc. from the apartment in Shreveport. Hopefully they will be here SOON. We are currently using furniture that the Base gives you until your stuff gets here. None of it matches and I swear it is from 1984. It's rough. I keep calling it our "welfare" furniture. It will be very nice to have our matching furniture!

You all keep asking for picutres, so venture on over to my Facebook and have a look. I uploaded a bunch from our house, the city we live in, the Base, and some from the surrounding areas. Enjoy! :)

Michael is on 12's this week so it's been a little slow. I mailed off my substitute package today so hopefully I can get back to working. I miss working and my job very much.

We are planning on going to Ramstein this weekend which is a bigger Air Base about an hour away. They have a Chilis and Macaroni Grill. I know! It's the BIG time!!

Check out our pictures and you'll get to see our new furbaby, Liam. He is a Pomeranian and Shih Tzu mix. I'm pretty crazy about him. He is, thankfully, getting a haircut Friday!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Another week down!

Hey, again!

We've had another great week in Germany! Here have been the highlights:

1. I got my German License!!! I am so excited to be able to drive!!!!!!! I took the test last Friday and I studied, studied, and then studied some more. If you know me very well, you know I would not take failing that test very lightly! It just so happens I got the highest score in the class! 93%, baby!!!!! Woohoo!

2. In the states, I had to sell my beautiful, perfect Toyota Camry (aka Cammy). Being without a car SUCKS, by the way. So today we fixed that problem! We bought me an Audi. Everyone, relax! Everyone here drives them so they aren't like super expensive like in the US. Needless to say, I'm excited....even if it isn't brand new!

3. We got a HOUSE! Not a one bedroom apartment like in Shreveport, but a cute little three story town house. It is so cute. I'm going to post pictures tomorrow when we move in, but for now I only have pictures of the city, Malberg. It is a precious little "village" about 10-15 minutes from base. We are beyond thrilled. We had originally agreed to move into an apartment in Bruch, but we found out they didn't have DSL or internet there. (I know, right!?) It is seriously like the 1950's here! No work on Sunday, everyone knows everyone, etc. So now we have a town house WITH internet! YEAH! Here are some pictures of Malberg:

Other than these great and fantastic things, life is pretty normal. We're slowly learning more and more German and we are enjoying all of the awesome foods here. I have to admit that my favorite meal so far has been a Chinese restaurant in Spangdahlem. They even made their own hand-made egg rolls. That meal rocked! I almost feel like I'm going to be spit at for saying that Chinese has been my favorite so far, but I can't help the greatness!

I hope you are all doing well. Drop us a line! We miss our friends and family more than words can even express!!!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

It's a Whole New World....

So here we are in Germany! It is literally breathtakingly beautiful. It is honestly like watching a movie. There are hills and snow and cute villages and everyone waves at you. It's not like the real world!

We have been here for one week and what a week it has been! We have been to all of the cute little surrounding towns and to Trier on Saturday with some great new Friends. Trier happens to be one of the oldest cities in Germany. We walked right under the Port Nigra! This is part of a remaining Roman gate that is STILL THERE!! So neat! How pretty is this:

Here are another couple of shots from Trier. We had a great time! We even went to a super fun sushi bar that the food rotated around the room. Now, ok! I know...SUSHI in GERMANY!??! But it was still so fun!

For the last week, we have not been able to drive, though. We have had to rely on some really great friends to shuttle us around. Well, my friends, that all changed today! Michael and I took the required safety class and Michael is a "legal" German driver!!!! WOO HOO!!!!!! We got his car that we shipped over and are riding in style. We feel like new people with a car now. I wasn't able to take the license test at Barksdale like Michael, so I am testing later this week. Cross your fingers!

We are currently on the hunt for a house so we can move out of the base hotel. Don't get me wrong, it is a very nice hotel, but we are ready to not be in a little room all the time! Eeekkkk! Hopefully we will no longer be nomads by the end of this week. Living out of a suitcase is just not for me. I have WAY too many hair products!

Until next time!